This is a public and un-biased collection of any resources (communications, info-material, live-blogs etc.) regarding the CoronaVirus and how to deal with Corona in the hotel industry.
Providing a transparent aggregation of information and publications on how to manage the current Corona Virus situation for the hotel industry.
If you’d like to share additional sources, offer feedback on this page or become a helping hand in maintaining this aggregation of industry information through this current situation, please contact us at anytime via lea@techtalk.travel or andre@techtalk.travel
General Resources (non Hotel-Industry specific)
- Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School l A curated list of digital tools, platforms, and data to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The New York Times l Futures markets predicted Europe and Wall Street would open lower. (1st April 2020)
- Roland Berger l World Economic Growth Plunges Due To Coronavirus - Which Industries Are Suffering The Most (26th March 2020)
- TED Live l What we can learn from China’s response to COVID-19 with Gary Liu, CEO of the South China Morning Post (26th March 2020)
- (English) McKinsey l COVID-19: Implications for business (16th March 2020)
- (English) World Health Organization l WHO - Guideline ‘Getting your workplace ready for COVID-1’ (03.03.2020)
- (German and English) Bundesverband Deutscher Startups. e.V.: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19: Collected Best Practices of the German Startup Scene
- McKinsey & Company - COVID-19 - Implications for Business
- (English and other languages available) European Commission l Coronavirus Response
- (English and German) Ecolab l Covid-19 Information page
- (English) The Washington Post l Why outbreaks like Corona Virus spread exponentially and "how to flatten the curve" (14th March 2020)
- (German) ZEIT Online l Corona Maßnahmen in den EU- Staaten im Überblick (20th March 2020)
- (English) IABC l Covid-19 resources for communication professionals
Resources Sites (regularly updated)
- (English) Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) l Covid-19 projections assuming full social distancing through May 2020
- (English) World Health Organization (WHO): Current Information and updates about the Corona virus
- (English) World Health Organization - Database: Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- (English) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) - Updates Covid-19
- (German) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Tagesaktuelle Informationen zum Coronavirus
- (English) Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
Covid-19 Live Tracking Sites
- English) Live Updates Corona CoV-19 by Avi Schiffmann l Seattle
- (English) WHO - Interactive dashboard/map providing the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis
- (English) Worldometer l Current Corona Cases Worldwide
General Resources (Hotel & Travel Industry specific)
- (English) Cloudbeds l Overview of Updated Distribution Channel's Policies due to COVID-19 (7th May 2020)
- (English) Forbes l Six Numbers That Show How Hard The Travel Industry Is Being Hit By The Coronavirus Shutdown (17th April 2020)
- (English) Google Travel Search Is Unrecognizable as Advertising Dries Up (25th March 2020)
- (English) BCD Travel l Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for business travelers and travel managers
- (English) STR Data Insights - COVID-19: Hotel Industry Impact
- (English) IATA l Covid-19 resources for airlines and air transport professionals
- (English) Website World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
- (English) List of cancelled & postponed trade fairs in Asia, America, Africa and Australia
- (English) List of postponed or cancelled trade fairs and exhibitions worldwide
- (English) HSMAi Global : Global Coronavirus Resources
- (English) Fairmas Press Release: ‘Coronavirus hits europe hotels hard’ (17th March 2020)
- (English) RateGain l BetterTomorrow Initiative
- (English) Mews l Tracking of the latest coronavirus hotel data (updated daily)
- (English) STR l COVID-19: Hotel Industry Impact (updated daily)
- (English) D-Edge Hospitality Recovery Tracker l Dynamic Report tracking bookings and cancellations that have been processed through D-Edge's systems
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 Facts and Figures
- (English) Criton l Coronavirus & The Hospitality Industry
- (English) Covid-19 Infections Growth Statistics l Google Spreadsheet by Marc Pesce
- (English) Siteminder l COVID-19 resource center for the hotel community
- (English) EHL l Online Portal: COVID-19 Resources, free Online Course and Pro Bono Consulting
- (English) AHLA American Hotel & Lodging Association l Covid-19 Resources Center
- (German) DEHOGA Corona-Virus l Informationswebsite
- (German) GCB und tw l Event Crisis: Informationsplattform für die Event-Branche
- (English) Skift l Live Blog Coronavirus and Travel Industry
- (English) Live Blog l HospitalityNet l Updates on Corona Impact on Hotel Industry
- (German) Spirit Legal l Hilfestellung: Rechtslagen und Lösungen in Zeiten des Corona-Virus (wird fortlaufend aktualisiert)
- (Germany) Robert Koch Institut
- (Germany) Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung
- (English) UNWTO - World Tourism Organization: Updates on Covid-19
- (English l UK) HOSPA Coronavirus Updates
- (English) CompanyDebt Overview l What Government Support is Available for UK Businesses During Coronavirus?
- (English) Avvio Covid-19 Impact Tracker l UK Market
- (English) UK Government races for an 'immunity-passport' (3rd April 2020)
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 in the UK, Statistics and Facts
- (English) Hospitality Action l Covid-19 Emergency Grant for Hospitality workers
- (English) Rangewell l Full list of COVID Loan / CBILS Providers and their criteria (27th March 2020)
- (English) ICEAW l UK practical business advice: COVID-19
- (English) UK GOV l COVID-19 Guidance support for businesses
- UK Hospitality Association
- (English) STR Press Release: London Hotel Performance drops amid growing Covid-19 cencerns (16.03.2020)
- (English) JLL Research Report l COVID-19: Global Real Estate Implications (11th March 2020)
- (English) Wireless Social: COVID-19 UK Hospitality footfall tracker
- (English) CGA Industry Poll - 06/03/2020
- (English) UK Hospitality: Coronavirus Advice for the Hospitality Industry
- (English) UK Government l COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses
- (English) UK Government l COVID-19: Tax helpline to support businesses affected by coronavirus
- (English) UK Hospitality l Webinar: COVID-19 - What hospitality businesses need to know
- (German) VDVO und HSMA l Übersicht der aktuellen Informationen und/oder Verordnungen in Bezug auf die Durchführung von Veranstaltungen (11th May 2020)
- (German) IHA FAQ l Übersicht häufiger Fragen und Antworten zu Hotelstornierungen
- (German) Für Gründer l Corona Hilfen der Bundesländer im Überblick
- (German) Der Mittelstand. BVMW l Downloads: Anträge und Formulare zur Corona-Krise
- (German) Kontist l Auf dieser Plattform können Selbstständige das Aufschieben und Reduzieren ihrer Steuerzahlungen beantragen.
- (German) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie l Übersicht aller beschlossenen Hilfspakete für Unternehmen und Unternehmer sowie Downloads und direkte Kontakte für Fragen während der Corona-Krise
- (German) HSMA Deutschland e.V. l OTAs drängen Hotels zu kostenfreien Stornierungen (27th March 2020)
- (Germany) Pressemeldung l DEHOGA und IHA fordern Corona-Nothilfeprogramm für das Gastgewerbe (24th March 2020)
- (German) DEHOGA Bundesverband l Corona Update und Informationswebsite für die Hotellerie und das Gastgewerbe
- (German) VIR appelliert an die Politik: Notwendige Hilfen für den Tourismusstandort Deutschland in der Corona-Krise (20th March 2020)
- (German) Überblick: Welche finanziellen Hilfen es für Betriebe gibt (20th March 2020)
- (German) GEMA Coronavirus Kundenunterstützung l Kein Lizenznehmer soll für den Zeitraum der Schließung mit GEMA-Gebühren belastet werden. Diese Maßnahme gilt rückwirkend ab dem 16. März 2020. (20th March 2020)
- (German) NRW l Landesregierung sagt NRW-Rettungsschirm zu – Sondervermögen von 25 Milliarden Euro (20th March 2020)
- (German) Rechtliche Ausarbeitung l Hotelmietvertrag - Möglichkeiten der Mietminderung wegen höherer Gewalt (16th March 2020)
- (German) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie l Förderdatenbank des Bundes
- (German) Berlin l Förderprogramm Liquiditätshilfe über IBB - Anträge ab sofort möglich (19th March 2020)
- (German) Bayern l Bayerische Staatsregierung: Soforthilfeprogramm für bayerische Unternehmen
- (German) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - Pressemitteilung (13.03.2020) Schutzschild für Beschäftigte und Unternehmen
- (German) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - Artikel: Auswirkungen des Coronavirus: Informationen und Unterstützung für Unternehmen
- (German) Bundesagentur für Arbeit -Finanzielle Hilfen und Unterstützung - Kurzarbeitergeld:
- (German) DEHOGA: Ergebnis der DEHOGA-Blitzumfrage vom 4./5. März 2020 zu Coronavirus-Folgen
- (German) (Download) DEHOGA & IHA: Merkblatt zum Corona Virus für das Gastgewerbe und die Hotellerie
- (German) Schmitz Marketing/Coronavirus und Hotellerie - Fördertöpfe, Hilfsmaßnahmen, Links und Tipps
- Maßnahmen
- (German) DEHOGA & IHA - Gefordertes Nothilfeprogramm für das Gastgewerbe und die Hotellerie:
- (German) DEHOGA Papier ‘Nothilfeprogramm für das Gastgewerbe’ (13.03.2020)
- (German) BDA Leitfaden:, Arbeitsrechtliche Folgen einer Pandemie
- Bundes Zentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) - Informationen zum neuartigen Coronavirus SARS CoV 2.
- (German) Statista: Fallzahlen des Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Deutschland nach Bundesländern bis zum 15. März 2020
- (German) STR Pressemeldung: Mehr als jeder 3 Gast bleibt weg – Coronavirus trifft Hotelbranche massiv
- (German) Kompetenzzentrum Tourismus des Bundes: 'Corona Navigator-Hilfe für touristische Unternehmen'
- (German) GTAI: 'Coronavirus – wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf Auslandsmärkte'
- (German) VIR e.V. - 'Touristik & Corona: Aktuelle Informationen für die Branche'
- (German) Video der Bundesagentur für Arbeit: 'So beantragen Sie Kurzarbeitergeld'
- (German) Checkliste l 78+ Hilfen zur Informationen über das Corona-Virus für Tourist-Informationen und Destinationen
- (German) Bund gibt Unternehmen mehr Zeit für Insolvenzanträge. Insolvenzantragspflicht soll befristet ausgesetzt werden. Was Unternehmen dabei beachten müssen.
- (Germany) DTV - Coronavirus: Informationen für Gastgeber, Häufige Fragen und Antworten
- (German) ÖHV l Aktuelle Meldung: Hotels dürfen am 29. Mai 2020, Restaurants am 15. Mai 2020, wieder öffnen. (28th April 2020)
- (German) ÖHV l Ausgewählte Übersicht von Anbietern für Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
- (German) ÖHV l Übersicht zusätzliche finanzielle Hilfen der Bundesländer (14th April 2020)
- (German) Österreich Werbung l Dashboard ÖW Global - tagesaktuelles Bild zu den Entwicklungen in den einzelnen Ländern
- (German) ÖHV l Corona-Hilfsfonds der Bundesregierung (1st April 2020)
- (German) ORF Talk l IM ZENTRUM: Wie lange können wir uns den Ausnahmezustand leisten? (29th March 2020)
- (German) ÖHV l Corona Checkliste für die Hotellerie (10th March 2020)
- (German) ÖHV aktuell: Neuerliche Nachjustierung bei Corona-Kurzarbeit (21th March 2020)
- Financial Assistance: Corona Virus “Bridge Finance” up to 500k and secured by 80% by ÖHT
- (German) ÖHV: Allgemeine Informationsseite mit aktuellen News und Informationen des österreichischen Hotelverbundes, der ÖHV:
- (German) ÖHV: Corona Kurzarbeit in der Hotellerie - Für welche Hotels eignet sich das neue Kurzarbeitsmodell? Was sind die Schritte, wenn ein Unternehmen Kurzarbeit plan? Und wie schnell kann das Kurzarbeitsmodell vereinbart werden? Diese und andere Fragen hat ÖHV-Arbeitsrechtsexperte Dr. Günter Steinlechner zusammengefasst.
FAQ + Vorlagen zum Download - (German) ÖHV: FAQ zur Schließung von Hotels
- (German) ÖHV Facebook Page
- Australian Government l Covid-19 Support for businesses and employers
- AHA Australian Hotel Association
- (German) Hotelleriesuisse l Unterstützung aus dem Beraternetzwerk, Kontaktliste per Fachbereich
- (German) Hotelleriesuisse l Blitzumfrage (23/24 März): Impakt Coronvirus im Schweizer Tourismus, Fokus auf Hotellerie
- (German) Hotelleriesuisse l Politische Forderungen (30th March 2020)
- (German) Hotelleriesuisse l Verzeichnis aller trotz Corona Krise noch geöffneten Hotels
- (French) GastroSuisse l Notices
- (German) GastroSuisse l Merkblätter
- (Italian) GastroSuisse l Promemoria
- (German) Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft l SECO - Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft: Bürgschaften für KMU (23th March 2020)
- (French) htr.ch l 32 milliards supplémentaires pour aider l’économie (20th March 2020)
- (German) htr.ch l Videomitschnitt: Die neuesten Beschlüsse des Bundesrats l Medienkonferenz zur Bundesratssitzung vom 20.03.2020 den Coronavirus betreffend (20th March 2020)
- (German) htr.ch l HotellerieSuisse-Präsident Andreas Züllig über die Corona-Krise und ihre dramatischen Folgen für die Branche, die Ausrufung des nationalen Notstands und weitergehende Forderungen an den Bundesrat. (19th March 2020)
- (Italian) AVS/AI l materiale informativo sulle assicurazioni sociali del 1° pilastro l Corona: Indennità di perdita di guadagno
- (French) AVS/AI l des informations sur les assurances sociales qui composent le 1er pilier l Coronavirus: Allocation pour perte de gain
- (German) AHV/IV: Gesamtschweizerisches Informationsmaterial zu den Sozialversicherungen der 1. Säule l Corona Erwerbsersatzentschädigung
- (German) Handlungsempfehlungen der HotellerieSuisse für Hoteliers
- (English) Kanton Zürich l Office for Economy & Labour: 'Short-time working in the context of the coronavirus'
- (Italian) Segretaria di Stato dell'economia SECO l Fideiussioni per PMI
- (French) Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie SECO l Le cautionnement pour les PME
- (French) Newsfeed.tourobs.ch l Suivi Coronavirus
- (Italian) Hotelleriesuisse l Coronavirus: raccomandazioni d’azione
- (French) Hotelleriesuisse l Coronavirus: actions recommandées
- (English) Phocuswire: 'Nothing will be the same": How Italian hoteliers are coping with coronavirus fallout'
- (English) STR Covid-19 Impact on Italy Hotel Occupancy:
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 in Italy - Statistics and Facts
- (Italian) Federalberghi l panoramica degli ammortizzatori sociali che le imprese e i lavoratori del settore turistico ricettivo possono utilizzare per far fronte all'emergenza in atto
- (Italian) Federalberghi l news pubblicate da Federalberghi in tema di coronavirus
- (Spanish) Mirai blog l Pick up y cancelaciones - Semana 16 (13-19 de abril) por mes de estancia
- (Spanish) Mirai blog l Pick up y cancelaciones – Semana 15 (6 a 12 de abril) por mes de estancia
- (Spanish) Mirai blog l Pick up y Cancelaciones realizadas semana 14 (30 de marzo a 5 de abril) por mes de estancia
- (Spanish) CEHAT- Confederación Espanola De Hoteles Y Alojamientos Turistícos
- (Spanish) Gobierno de Espana l Ministerio de Sanidad l Informes COVID-19
- (Spanish) Gobierno de Espana l Ministerio de Sanidad l Actualización nº67: enfermedad por SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) (06.04.2020)
- (Spanish) Gobierno de Espana l Ministerio de Sanidad l Situación de COVID-19 en España
- (Spanish) Blog l La recuperación de la crisis turística del coronavirus (5th April 2020)
- (Spanish) Mirai blog l Pick up y cancelaciones de hoteles – Semana 13 (31st March 2020)
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 outbreak in Spain - Statistics and Facts
- (German) Süddeutsche Zeitung l Coronavirus in Spanien l Ein Land im Schockzustand (26th March 2020)
- (Spanish) Gobierno de Espana l Guía de buenas prácticas para los establecimientos y trabajadores del sector turístico
- (Spanish) Hoteles en Acción l Plataforma para la coordinación del sector hotelero español frente a la crisis del Covid-19
- (Spanish) The Washington Post l For qué brotes como el del coronavirus crecen exponencialmente y cómo 'aplanar la curva' (14th March 2020)
- (English) AHLA introduces 'Safe Stay' l New Expanded Cleaning & Safety Standards Developed by Industry Leaders, Public Health Officials in Response to COVID-19 (4th May 2020)
- (English) AHLA, Oxford Economics l Comparison 9/11, Recession and early stage of Covid-19 Pandemic - Impact on Hotel Room Demand and Job Losses (Mid-March 2020)
- (English) AHLA l Job Losses Figures for the Hotel Industry from Coronaviruspandemic l State by State Breakdown (30th March 2020)
- (English) How the Virus Transformed the Way Americans Spend Their Money (11th April 2020)
- (English) Covid Act Now l Data Aggregation & Analysis per State l CovidActNow.org was built by a team of epidemiologists and data scientists with the goal of providing actionable data for state & local authorities.
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 in the U.S. Statistics and Facts
- (English) U.S. Chamber of Commerce l Coronavirus Small Business Guide
- (English) Thumbtack Journal l Resources from federal, state and local governments to help small businesses weather COVID-19. (31st March 2020)
- (English) Trump Extends Social Distancing Guidelines Through End of April (29th March 2020)
- (English) U.S. Travel Association Latest Data: Coronavirus to Cause 5.9 Million Travel-Related Job Losses Before May (24th March 2020)
- (English) Real ID Deadline pushed back (23rd March 2020)
- (English) Video l President Trump Meets with Tourism Industry Executives on COVID-19 Response (17th March 2020)
- (English) Hotel CEOs meet with President, Vice President on urgent Assistance to keep Hotels from shuttering, protect millions of employees from losing jobs (17th March 2020)
- (English) Franchise Action Network l Tell Congress to Support Coronavirus Franchise Business Relief
- (English) The COVID Tracking Project l Information from 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and 5 other U.S. territories to provide the most comprehensive testing data for the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 (updated regularly)
- (English) USA Today l ‘The hotel industry is seeking a total of $250 billion in bailouts for owners, employees and suppliers’ (18th March 2020)
- (English) MGM Resorts International Statement On Temporary Closure Of Las Vegas Properties
- (English) The Wall Street Journal: Marriott Begins Furloughing Tens of Thousands of Employees (17.03.2020)
- (English) AAHOA l Covid-19 Updates for America's Hotel Owners
- (English) HSMAi Global l Recap Webinar: Force Majeure and Other Coronavirus Legal Questions
- (English) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Resources Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- (English) CBRE l Covid-19 Outbreak Updates
- (English) American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) l The Facts about Covid-19
- (English) US Directory of Local Health Departments
- (English) US State & Territorial Health Department Websites
- (English) Overview l Websites of all Lodging Associations Across the USA
- (Dutch) Belastingdienst l Coronavirus: belastingmaatregelen voor ondernemers en werkgevers
- (Dutch) de Volkskrant l Noodlijdend Booking.com wil staatssteun (15th April 2020)
- (Dutch) KHN (Koninklijke Horeca Nederland) l Coronavirus informatie: Deze pagina wordt dagelijks geüpdatet met relevante informatie
- (Dutch) KHN (Koninklijke Horeca Nederland) l Website
- (English) Information for businesses l The government’s central resource for COVID-19 business information with updates about COVID-19 and guidance to help businesses
- (English) Government Resource Page l Covid-19 Alert System
- (French) Gouvernement l Mesures gouvernementales de soutien à l'économie
- (English) Statista l Covid-19 Statistics and Facts France
- (English) New York Times l France Tries Limiting Joblessness to Confront Coronavirus Recession (1st April 2020)
- (English) Asia Times l Airlines may adopt new social distancing seating (19th April 2020)
- (English) Accor launches Covid-19 cleaning certification (17th April 2020)
- (English) Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe l Accor CEO Sebastien Bazin: Accor Plans to Rehire All Staff, Reopen Hotels After Virus (7th April 2020)
- (English) HomeSuiteHome initiative l Amsterdam - the world’s first reversed hotel
- (English) Hilton and American Express donate one million US rooms to medical staff (6th April 2020)
- (English) EHL l An Initial Brief Checklist for Temporary Hotel Closures
- (English) TrustYou's The Travel Health Index (THI)
- (English) Covid-19 & Hotels l 4 Easy-to-use Templates for Hotel Coronavirus Communication
- (English) Forbes l The Clever Way This Hotel Chain Plans To Stay Open During The Coronavirus Closures (31st March 2020)
- (English) HSMAi l What Key Indicators Are Hotel Management Company CROs Tracking? (30th March 2020)
- (English) Resource Page by Revinate l Covid-19 & Hotels
- (English) The Reset l Archive of best practices from vacation rental leaders around the globe on how to survive the crisis
- (English) Airbnb l Airbnb extends coronavirus cancellation window to May 31, sets aside $250 million to pay hosts for missed stays (30th March 2020)
- (German) Adina Apartment Hotels offers Hotel Room to use as Office Spaces for free
- (German) Bundesministerium für Ernährung & Landwirtschaft l Vermittlungsplattform: Landwirte und Unternehmen in der Lebensmittel-Lieferkette werden mit freiwilligen Arbeitnehmern schnell und unbürokratisch zusammen gebracht, um unter anderem bei der Spargelernte zu unterstützen.
- (English) How One of Paris’s Most Iconic Hotels Copes With the Crisis l Franka Holtmann, GM at Le Meurice for Dorchester Collection (26th March 2020)
- (English) ZOKU l Offers Apartments as Private Offices
- (German) Pressemeldung l Best Western Hotel Bierkulturhotel Schwanen stellt Zimmer als Homeoffice zur Verfügung (25th March 2020)
- (English) skift l Hospitality Sector Teams Up Online To Help During The Crisis (24th March 2020)
- (German) Covid-19 Chatbot for Hospitals and Health Authorities by DialogShift and Primo Medico GmbH (25th March 2020)
- (English) OYO Hotels & Homes l Free stays to medical personnel in US (24th March 2020)
- (Portuguese) Rooms against Covid by Guestcentric and HiJiffy l Reservation Portal offering free accommodation to healthcare workers in Lisbon and Puorto
- (English) UK l Stay for Heroes l Platform to connect hotels with health care providers and local governments.
- (German) #hospitalityHeroes l Platform supporting local governments: Hotels stellen Inventar für Behörden zur Verfügung (24th March 2020)
- (Chinese) Hotel Chain in Shaoxing China launched Live Streaming Housekeeping
- (English) Hilton Partners with Leading Companies to Find Temporary Jobs for Displaced Hotel Team Member (23rd March 2020)
- (English) UK hotels to become shelters for homeless people during COVID-19 outbreak (24th March 2020)
- (English) #hospitalityhelps by Cloudbeds: Connecting Hotels and Healthcare. You have beds, the healthcare system needs you!
- (German) Handelsblatt l So wollen vier Top-Hoteliers die Coronakrise meistern (21th March 2020)
- (English) Sequoia l The Matrix for COVID-19 (20th March 2020)
- (German) Pressemeldung l Premier Inn setzt auf volle Flexibilität für Leisure und Business Traveller (20th March 2020)
- (Spanish) Hoteles En Acción l Project of Hotels offering services and properties to the government, authorities and hospitals (20th March 2020)
- (English) Nordic Choice Hotels l 'We have capacity to help' Offering workforce and properties (20th March 2020)
- (English) COVID-19 Service l Swiss Le Bijou Apartments 'Quarantine Apartments, Self Check-In Home Office 2.0 inc. Private Healtcare Monitoring' (20th March 2020)
- (English) Marriott's CEO Arne Sorenson's salary suspended for the rest of the year, senior executives' salaries will be reduced by 50% as the coronavirus ravages the hospitality industry (19th March 2020)
- (German) Dorint Hotels offer ‘MyOffice@Dorint’ Hotel Rooms for Home Office Use' (18th March 2020) and Myoffice @ Dorint
- (German) Oliver Winter, a&o Hostels l Video Message (15th March 2020)
- (English) Forbes Travel Guide: 'Master List Of Hotel Coronavirus Change And Cancellation Policies' (12th March 2020)
- (English) Shiji l Chart on of how the Chinese market is picking up reservations since the beginning of the epidemic (18th March 2020)
- (English) Harvard Business Review: How Chinese Companies Have Responded To Corona Virus
- (English) PhocusWire: Interview - How Italian Hoteliers are coping with the Coronavirus Fallout
- (English) Larry Mogelonsky l Strategic Coronavirus Operational Planning
- (English) 100+ startups offering products or services for free in response to Coronavirus:
- (English) SHR l Offerings specifically designed to help hotels during their recovery efforts from the negative impacts of COVID-19. RMS, CRS and more.
- (English and German) HotelFriend l COVID-19 Free Software During Coronavirus Outbreak
- (English) Alice l Free COVID-19 Recovery Checklist Software
- (English) Criton l Free Hotel App until 2021
- (English) HiJiffy Chatbot is available for free to all new clients until June,1st 2020
- (English) Bookboost.io Guest Messaging offers unified Inbox for free until June 2020
- (English) Easyway offering free usage of its multi-channel communication tool and bot until June 1st, 2020.
- (English and German) GIATA is offering 3 months for free on its GIATA DRIVE solution.
- (English) GitHub l Overview - USA Tech Company COVID 19 Initiatives
- (English) Ping Identity l Covid-19 support offer: free cloud single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) for convenient access to all your IT resources remotely to keep business running.
- (English) Google l Free access the advanced Hangouts Meet video-conferencing capabilities to all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers globally including: Larger meetings, for up to 250 participants per call, Live streaming for up to 100,000 viewers within a domain, the ability to record meetings and save them to Google Drive.
- (German) Wirecard l Online Shop - Corona-Paket bietet schnelle Hilfe für Einzelhändler, die ihren Laden schließen mussten, als auch für Restaurants und ähnliche Betriebe
- (German) Innovation now l Initiative führender Tach-Unternehmen. Zentrale Plattform für die unterschiedlichsten B2B Hilfspakete für Covid19 (wird regelmäßig aktualisiert)
- (English) Microsoft l Special Offer for various segments l Responding to Covid-19 together
- (English) Beekeeper extending the free trial period for hotels from 14 days to the end of June 2020 (23rd March 2020)
- (Germany l German) Unterstützungsangebote Telekom l Unternehmen, Schulen und Privatpersonen werden kostenfreie Lösungen angeboten, um auf die veränderte Situation reagieren zu können
- (UK l English) Group of 15+ freelance hospitality consultants specializing in commercial optimization offering free support and consultancy (20th March 2020)
- (English) Oaky is offering its services free of charge until June 31st 2020, without any commitment.
- (Germany l German) Deutschlandurlaub.de l Kostenfreie Hilfs-Aktion für Hotels und touristische Unternehmen (20th March 2020)
RECORDED WEBINARS (Watch on demand)
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Travel Massive Live Show 'Lockdown'
Every Thursday discussing the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on travel and tourism worldwide by Travel Massive
Overview upcoming STR Webinars l COVID-19 impact on market performances worldwide
STR offers regular webinars regarding the market performances.
Responding to COVID-19: Updates and practical steps
The weekly webinars will take place every Thursday from 2pm - 2:30pm CEST /1.00pm – 1.30pm GMT, and will be chaired by Ian Stewart, Deloitte's Chief Economist. Discussing different topics each week, from public health and economic impact, business continuity and financing, to supporting wellbeing in uncertain times. You will have the opportunity to ask the panel of experts any questions you may have.
Weekly Sessions, starting Wednesday, 1st April 2020 l EAME/APAC Session: 9am BST hosted by Javier Moreno and Peter Fitzgerald. Americas Session: 11am Eastern / 8am Pacific hosted by James Harris and Justine Pentifallo Ferraro.
(German) Legal Webinars l Übersicht Spirit Legal Webinare
Spirit Legal Rechtsanwälte beraten nationale und internationale Startups, mittelständische Unternehmen, Behörden, öffentliche Einrichtungen und nationale und internationale Konzerne in den Bereichen Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht, Markenrecht, Urheberrecht, IT-Recht und Datenschutzrecht.
EHL Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne has setup free access to an online course extracted from its MBA in Hospitality program. Part of the "Performing through business cycles" module, a condensed version of the course on "Managing Underperforming Properties" has been created and made available to all industry professionals looking to mitigate current and future losses.
Free Online Course l The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy
Online Course by ESSEC Business School with Peter O'Connor, Nathaniel Green and Augustin Cacot. Created in conjunction with Duetto, this course is hosted by a group of revenue management leaders in both theory and with hands-on experience at properties around the world. Upon completion of the course students should be empowered with industry best practices, which can be applied across the vast diversification the hotel industry to empower those to optimize profits. Duetto delivers powerful revenue strategy solutions to the world’s leading hotels and casinos, combining unparalleled expertise with world-class cloud-based technology.
Every Monday (13:00 GMT, 14:00 Switzerland, 20:00 Hong Kong, 08:00 New York)
Professor Demian Hodari and Anita Mendiratta, together with an array of industry leaders, university professors and current students, discuss the current Covid-19 crisis’ impact on, and implications for, travel, tourism and hospitality students, recent graduates and other job seekers, and recent graduates.
Cloudbeds CloudTalks, Local virtual events for hoteliers, hosts and market managers.
Virtual events sharing localized expertise, insights and resources attendees can use to make informed decisions about their business.
Recorded Webinars l Watch on demand
HEDNA Webinar: Key Payment Areas of Focus During COVID-19 Recovery
This HEDNA panel discussed a wide range of topics – ranging from upcoming SCA timelines to refund policies to managing 3rd party payments during economic uncertainty. The panel held an open Q&A for attendees. Speakers were Laurie Gablehouse, Global Head of Travel Solutions at Ingenico ePayments and Co-chair HEDNA Guest-Centric Payments Working Group, Rachel Neal, Co-chair HEDNA Third Party Compensation Working Group and Xavier Ginesta, Chairman at Voxel Group and Co-chair HEDNA Open Payment Alliance. The session was hosted by Mike Carlo, Founder at XanderPay LLC and HEDNA Board Member. (Recorded 13th May 2020)
techtalk.travel #nextgeneration COLLECTIVE - live session - Open session for hotel schools, universities, hotel management students and recent graduates for exchange and discussion about the current situation. #nextgeneration COLLECTIVE was streamed live on LinkedIn and Facebook. (Recorded 8th May 2020)
techtalk.travel #consultants COLLECTIVE
Recordings - video and podcast - of the open live session for hotel and hospitality consultants for exchange and discussion about the current situation. #consultants COLLECTIVE was streamed live on LinkedIn and Facebook. (Recorded 4th May 2020)
(English) HIC Virtual Session - Corona Talk: Virus vs. Hotel
An interactive platform for exchange. Open discussion about how teams are currently dealing with the Covid-19 impacted situation, discussing the question: 'What solutions are you currently implementing?" (recorded 23rd April 2020)
techtalk.travel COLLLECTIVE - Live Session l #vendorsperspectives
Open session for hotel technology suppliers and vendors for exchange and discussion about the current situation. Watch the recorded video or tune in to the podcast. COLLECTIVE #vendors will be streamed live on LinkedIn and Facebook.
(Japanese) オンラインセミナー : 新型コロナウイルスによる日本宿泊市場への影響 l COVID-19 impact on the Japan hotel performance Shiori Sakurai, STR’s Japan Business Development Manager, will provide data insights into the impact of the outbreak on the Japan hotel industry. (Recorded 10th April 2020)
COVID-19 impact on the Middle East and Africa hotel performance
STR's Robin Rossmann, Sarah Duignan and Philip Wooller will provide the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region. There will be time for Q&A afterwards.
COVID-19 impact on Central & South Asia hotel performance
Matthew Burke, STR's Regional Manager - Pacific, and Vidhi Godiawala, Business Development Manager, provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region. There was time for Q&A afterwards. (Recorded 9th April 2020)
Partnership for a #BetterTomorrow - Navigating the BENELUX Market
Webinar by RateGain, Taktikon Consultancy, Protel and Bellville that will discuss the state of the BENELUX market and how to navigate through the unchartered waters of COVID-19 for a #BetterTomorrow. Covering these topics: The latest news and current happenings in the Benelux markets; how to plan for the short-term activities to achieve the long-term vision; how Group Hotels vs. Independent hotels are acting during this challenging period; how to accelerate when the crisis is nearing an end by preparing today; Revenue Management: How to optimize performance during and after crisis; Smart Distribution: How to prepare yourself for new demand discovery; Content & Social Media Strategy for converting shoppers into guests. (recorded 9th April 2020)
Using content & revenue management principles in challenging times
Christin Haensel from h2c and Birgit Haake, Revenue Management Specialist shared insights on how hotels make the most relevant content adaptions now, and how best to prepare hotel content for after COVID-19 and why hoteliers should focus on revenue management principles right now, enabling a competitive advantage in the good times to come.
(German) Generation H - Hoteliers und deren Partner mit aktuellen Insights (recorded Live Stream)
Die Hoteliers Alex Obertop, General Manager des SIDE Hotel in Hamburg, Zeèv Rosenberg, GM des Boutique Hotel i31 in Berlin und Holger Bodendorf, Gastgeber und Sternekoch im Landhaus Stricker auf Sylt diskutieren die aktuelle Situation.
(Spanish) El impacto del brote de COVID-19: Análisis del desempeño hotelero en América Latina
Patricia Boo, STR’s Area Director - Central & South America proporcionaba una actualización sobre el impacto de la pandemia en el desempeño de los hoteles en los mercados clave de América Latina. Hubo un espacio para preguntas y respuestas al final de la presentación. (Recorded 7th April 2020)
COVID-19 impact on Mexico & Caribbean hotel performance
Emile Gourieux, STR’s Business Development Executive for Mexico and the Caribbean shares the most recently processed week of hotel performance data for the regions. Regional numbers as well as the key markets throughout Mexico and the Caribbean will be covered, to show the most significant performance fluctuations (Recorded 3rd April 2020)
(German) Generation H - Hoteliers und deren Partner mit aktuellen Insights (recorded Live Stream)
Die Hoteliers Alex Obertop, General Manager des SIDE Hotel in Hamburg, Zeèv Rosenberg, GM des Boutique Hotel i31 in Berlin und Marcus Fränkle, Geschäftsleiter des Hotel der Blaue Reiter diskutieren die aktuelle Situation.
STR l Overview recorded Webinars and Summaries (regularly updated)
Moderators: Timothy Wiersma, President & CEO Revenue Generation LLC, Chair of the HSMAI America Revenue Optimization Advisory Board and Frederic Toitot, Vice President Global Learning & Development at Accor, Chair of the HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Optimization Advisory Board.Engaging in the conversation will be: Nicola Rhone, Chief Commercial Officer at Great National Hotels and Resorts; Damiano Zennaro, Director, Global Advisory Services at IDeaS Revenue Solutions; Angelika Sharma, Senior Solutions Consultant, OTA Insight and Cynthia Paynter, Vice President Pricing & Revenue Management at Accor. (Recorded 30th March 2020)
COVID-19 impact on Pacific region hotel performance
Matthew Burke, STR's Regional Manager - Pacific, provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region. (Recorded 27th March 2020)
UNWTO l Free Access to Elibrary (until End of April)
The UNWTO Elibrary is an online service from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) with a broad coverage of tourism and related subject areas. UNWTO has opened its e-library for free until End of April, granting access to books, journals, statistics and barometer.
COVID-19 webinar: Europe hotel weekly performance analysis
Recording of the weekly webinar. STR's Robin Rossmann, Aoife Roche and Thomas Emanuel provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around Europe. (Recorded 26th March 2020)
COVID-19 webinar: U.S. & Canada hotel weekly performance analysis
Recording of the weekly webinar focused on the most recently processed week of hotel performance data for the U.S. and Canada with Jan Freitag, STR’s senior VP of lodging insights. (Recorded 26th March 2020)
COVID-19 impact on Asia hotel performance
STR's Jesper Palmqvist and Bernard Kee provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in the region. (Recorded 26th March 2020)
(German) Zukunftstage für den Reisevertrieb l Status der Krise & Förderungsmöglichkeiten
Referent: Michael Buller, Vorstand des Verband Internet Reisevertrieb (VIR) (Recorded 26th March 2020)
(German) Zukunftstage für den Reisevertrieb l Corona & Reiserecht
Referent: Prof. Dr. Hans-Josef Vogel, Beiten Burkhardt (Recorded 26th March 2020)
(English) COVID-19 impact on the Middle East and Africa hotel performance
STR's Robin Rossmann, Sarah Duignan and Philip Wooller provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region. (Recorded 25th March 2020)
ILR Executive Education - Remote Teams l Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis
Download the Keynote covering how leaders can quickly rise to the challenge of leading remote teams and keeping them engaged and productive in these uncertain times.
(English) Communicating During COVID-19
Presenters: Christy Shapard, VP of HR - North Point Hospitality; Heather Goins,HRIS Analyst - InTown Suites; Andrada Paraschiv,Former Executive Director, Communications & Strategy, Current Head of Hospitality Beekeeper. Moderated by the former Executive Director of Communications & Strategy of FRHI Hotels & Resorts (Fairmont, Raffles and Swissôtel). (Recorded 25th March 2020)
(Chinese) 新冠肺炎疫情对中国酒店业的影响(中文分享)COVID-19 impact on China hotel performance
(Chinese) STR's Christine Liu, Regional Manager - North Asia, provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around China. There will be time for Q&A afterwards. (Recorded 24th March 2020)
(German) Lernplattform des Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI)
Kostenfreier, multimedialer Kurs mit aktuellen Informationen zum Corona-Virus. Die Inhalte werden in in Absprache mit der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) erstellt.
Free Course l eHotelier: 'Coronavirus Awareness for Hoteliers'
Short but comprehensive online course on how to prevent, control, communicate and manage coronavirus (COVID-19) incidents in hotels. Developed by eHotelier and eHotelier Academy specifically for the hospitality industry, this course is relevant for all hotel and hospitality professionals.
COVID-19 webinar: U.S. & Canada hotel weekly performance analysis
Watch on demand: STR's latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region (recorded March 19th).
COVID-19 impact on Europe hotel performance
Watch on demand: STR's Robin Rossmann, Aoife Roche and Thomas Emanuel provided the latest data and insights into the pandemic impact on hotel performance in key markets around the region. (recorded March 19th)
Coronavirus Survey Results: Impact on Hotels
Watch on demand: Revinate and Sherri Kimes, a globally recognized expert in revenue management, share the results of her recent survey on the impact of coronavirus on hoteliers and discuss how they can respond. (recorded March 19th)
(GERMAN) DRV Reisebürotag l COVID-19 im Fokus
Download der Präsentationen von der digitalen Informationsveranstaltung die aktuelle Themen der Reisewirtschaft rund um das Coronavirus in den Mittelpunkt stellte. (recorded March 19th)
WHTT Episode 8 - CoronaVirus - An Opportunity?
Watch on demand: recorded LinkedIn Live session that analyzed the current situation taking a positive angle, with moderator Iris Steinmetz, leading a panel of experts. (recorded March 19th)
Interview with STR SVP Jan Freitag - Hotel Business Free Fall
Watch on demand: Glenn Haussman and Jan Freitag, SVP of STR discussing the hotel occupancy and revenue free fall (recorded March 16th 2020).
- (English) Live Media Briefings on Covid-19
- (German) Videos der BZgA zu den häufigsten Fragen zum Corona Virus:
- (English) Video by World Health Organization l WHO about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- (French) Video - Virus respiratoires émergents, y compris le COVID-19 : méthodes de détection, de prévention, de réponse et de contrôle:
- (Spanish) Nuevos virus respiratorios, incluido el COVID-19: métodos de detección, prevención, respuesta y control
- (Chinese) 新发呼吸道病毒—包括新型冠状病毒:检测、预防、应对和控制
- (Portugese) Vírus respiratórios emergentes, incluindo COVID-19: métodos para detecção, prevenção, resposta e controlo
- (Arabic) فيروسات الجهاز التنفسي المستجدة، بما فيها مرض فيروس كورونا-2019 (كوفيد-19): طرق الكشف والوقاية والاستجابة والمكافحة
- (English) Adrift in the storm l Testbeds' Top Reading in April (11th May 2020)
- (English) Dieter Müller, CEO l Motel One Group: A moratorium on hotel rents? (15th April 2020)
- (English) GBTA Industry Forum Series l David Kong, CEO of Best Western Hotels (14th April 2020)
- (English) skift l Is Booking in Better Shape for a Recovery Than Airbnb and Expedia? (13th April 2020)
- (English and Dutch) Hotelschool The Hague Article by Paul Griep Jean-Pierre van der Rest l Dumping Room Rates is not smart. Why actually?
- (German) Solidarität & Know-How - Die Krise als Chance für die Branche l Covid-19 Podcast mit Otto Lindner, Präsident des Hotelverband Deutschland (IHA) und Vorstand der Lindner Hotels (8th April 2020)
- (English) HotelFriend CEO Denis Severyuk l Hotel Tech Impact of Covid-19
- (English) Robert Cross l Revenue Management in a Crisis—First, Do No Harm (7th April 2020)
- (English) TED Connects l Bill Gates: How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic (Recorded 24th March 2020)
- (English) MGM Resorts President and Acting CEO Bill Hornbuckle l Video Message to MGM Colleagues (26th March 2020)
- (English) Poll among Global Business Travel Association members l 40 Percent of Companies Expect Business Travel to Resume Within 3 Months (24th March 2020)
- (English) Booking.com CEO, Glenn Fogel l Letter to Employees ”It is going to get worse before it gets better”. (24th March 2020)
- (English) Accor l Video Message CEO Sébastien Bazin (25th March 2020)
- (English) IHG Hotel Group l Video Message CEO Keith Barr (24th March 2020)
- (English and German) German Hotel Association (IHA) e.V. - Blogpost Markus Luthe: Hotels & OTAs - Amicus certus in re incerta ceritur. In adversity you will know your true friend. (22th March 2020)
- (English) Magnuson Hotels l Video Message CEO Tom Magnusen (20th March 2020)
- (English) Techcrunch l Bill Gates addresses coronavirus fears and hopes in AMA (18th March 2020)
- (English) Marriott l Video Message CEO Arne Sorensen (18th March 2020)
- (German) HRS l CEO Letter to Hotel Partners (18th March 2020)
- (English) Sundar Michael, CEO Google l Company Statement 'COVID-19: How we’re continuing to help' (15th March 2020)
- (English) Ingo Dignas and Manfred Osthues l protel: 'COVID-19 is hitting the beating heart of every hotel' (18th March 2020)
- (English) Simone Puorto Daily Blog - Corona Virus and its impact on hospitality
- (German) Interview l Ingrid Hartges, Hotel- und Gaststättenverband zum Coronavirus: „Viele können keine zwei Monate durchhalten“
- (German) German Hotel Association (IHA) e.V. - Blogpost von Otto Lindner und Markus Luthe 'Shutdown'
- (German) German Hotel Association (IHA) e.V. - Blogpost von Otto Lindner und Markus Luthe zur Coronavirus-Krise
- (English) Press Release l HOTREC, the European umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés, and its trade union counterpart EFFAT, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions advice for companies and employees (11th March 2020)
- (German) VDVO e.V. - German Association of Event and Corporate Planner: 'Coronavirus lehrt uns: Wir sind nichts wert!'
- (German) WDR Audio - Interview mit Klaus Hübenthal vom DEHOGA: Corona: Wirtschaftshilfen für Gastwirte "noch nicht greifbar"
- (English) Company Statement l HRS Group, CEO Tobias Ragge 'Our commitment to customers and partners in these challenging times'
- (English) Company Statement l Oracle 'Oracle’s commitment to our customers during the COVID-19 crisis'
- (English) Company Statement l Marriott International: Arne Sorenson: Our Top Priority: You, Our Guests
- (English) 18 industry experts sharing their take on the coronavirus and its impact on our industry (4th March 2020)
- Duetto Pulse Report l Bi-weekly look into the most up-to-date market demand signals
- SiteMinder World Hotel Index l Data and commentary for the hotel industry at both a macro and local scale
- McKinsey l What the world can learn from China’s travel restart after COVID-19 (11th May 2020)
- Video of William Chea, General Manager at Sofitel Guanghzou Sunrich in China sharing experience about the current, gradual recovery (29th April 2020)
- China Ends Wuhan Lockdown, but Normal Life Is a Distant Dream (8th April 2020)
- New York Times l Halting China’s Economy Was Hard. Restarting It Is Harder. (16th March 2020)
- Shiji Insights l Covid-19 Crisis Recovery Data (regularly updated)
- TED Live l What we can learn from China’s response to COVID-19 with Gary Liu, CEO of the South China Morning Post (26th March 2020)
- Reuters l Oyo sees signs of recovery in China after coronavirus outbreakOyo sees signs of recovery in China after coronavirus outbreak (24th March 2020)
- (English) Top 10 Ways to secure Zoom Meetings
- (German) Free LinkedIn Course l Erfolgreich im Home-Office arbeiten
- (English) Leadership Guide l Navigating through uncertain times (20th March 2020)
- (English) Remote work wiki l A central hub for the best resources on remote work - from tips to articles to company policies (updated regularly)
- (English) HBR: ‘A Guide to Managing your (newly) Remote Workers’ (18th March 2020)
- (English) Google l Resources for small businesses manage through uncertainties
- (German) t3n Home Office Guide
- (German) Hochschulforum Digitalisierung l Digitale Toolsammlung für Online-Veranstaltungen (wird laufend erweitert)
Disclaimer: This page comprises crowdsourced content and the sources are NOT independently verified. It is intended as a resource for hotel industry professionals, hotel owners, managers and any other stakeholder of the industry who are currently discussing their own actions and coping strategies on SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and want to learn from the community.
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