COLLECTIVE #MICEBEAT with Kristi White and Dan Humby l 05 October 2021
Posted on Oct 07
The return of the MICE business - Learnings from US meetings and events market data, and how to leverage Technology to win more groups business - faster. That's what is discussed in this COLLECTIVE #MICEBEAT session, that was streamed live on Linkedin and Youtube 5th October 2021.
KRISTI WHITE, Chief Product Officer at Knowland and DAN HUMBY, Vice President Sales at Groups360 join co-hosts RITA MACHADO from Great Hotels of the World and our LEA JORDAN to share their insights, and to discuss with the techtalk.travel community
The Collective #MICEBEAT sessions are data-driven live think tanks focusing on the Meetings & Events industry’s future. Taking stock of where we as an industry are, where we need to go, and how we will get there, co-hosted by Rita Machado, Vice President Sales and Marketing at Great Hotels of the World, and Lea Jordan, Co-Founder at techtalk.travel. Providing a platform for the hospitality industry to exchange knowledge, pollinate ideas and connect.
If you prefer tuning in to the video-version of this session, find it here and on our YouTube channel. Also, find the original Linkedin Live Video, including all comments and questions from the audience here.
Read more about the COLLECTIVE #MICEBEAT live sessions here, and make sure to join the upcoming ones too.
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