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Why loyalty matters, soft hotel brands and hotel development trends | Markus Lehnert, Marriott Int.

Why loyalty matters, soft hotel brands and hotel development trends | Markus Lehnert, Marriott Int.

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Markus Lehnert, Vice President International Hotel Development at Marriott International, summarizes the three key take-aways of his keynote ‘Loyalty Matters,’ which he held at the Swiss Innovation Day 2021 in this brief interview. He also speaks about the rise of soft hotel brands and the trends he sees in the hotel development space.

André Baljeu sat down with Markus Lehnert during the 6th Swiss Innovation Day. The event for the Swiss tourism industry took place in August 2021 at the newly opened The Circle at the Zurich airport in Switzerland. More than 300 travel and hospitality professionals attended. #SID21 is developed and hosted by our partners at SHS Academy and Swiss Hospitality Solutions and co-hosted by Schmid, Pelli & Partner.

Save The Date: The Swiss Innovation Day 2022 will take place on 25th August 2022. Read more here.

Find our recap of the #SID21 here.

Also, find these interviews from the Swiss Innovation Day 2021
